Connect With Holy Communion Women

Holy Communion Women

All women of the parish belong to Holy Communion Women.  HCW strives to encourage women of the Church to engage in worship, Bible study, and fellowship through social gatherings, communications and workshops and provide service to the Church through various ministries and through oversight of functions and outreach within, and outside of, the parish.  For more information, CONTACT the church office to connect with the group leader.

Women’s Bible Study

The Women’s Bible study meets at 10:00 am on Tuesdays in Lunt Hall and by Zoom during the Spring and Fall.  Come enjoy the study, fellowship, and coffee!

Daughters of the Holy Cross

Daughters of the Holy Cross is a national Order of women committed to making disciples and providing service to Jesus through Our Rule of Life: prayer, service, study and evangelism.  We welcome your questions and look forward to getting to know you better!

Women’s Retreat

Daughters of the Holy CrossThe Women’s retreat is held annually each Fall at the Episcopal Diocese of Ft. Worth’s Camp Crucis, Granbury, TX.  The retreat lasts from Friday evening through Sunday morning and includes worship, study sessions, free time for reflection and fellowship.

HCW supports the work of the Diocese of Mid-America and The Committee on Women’s Ministry, a Ministry of the Reformed Episcopal Church.

Women, Wine & Wisdom

Women, Wine, and Wisdom is an educational teaching series that occurs on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm in Lunt Hall or by Zoom.  The program is as a no-hassle gathering for our ladies and their friends to learn, eat and fellowship together.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry creates hand-made knitted and crocheted shawls to be given to hurting persons who need comfort - or for celebratory reasons.  Each shawl is prayed over as work progresses and blessed when completed.  The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets at 10:00 am on the 4th Saturday of the month.  Please join us – we are willing to teach anyone willing to learn!